Tuesday, January 20, 2009

"You can't worry about what you don't know"

You only live once, but if you work it right, once is enough.

Things are falling into place, where I thought there wasn't a place to fall into. I'm on the road to knowing with my heart, what I know with my head. I'm getting my Patriarchal Blessing on Sunday, February 1st.. at 10AM.. Before church. I am so excited. I am so happy. I am finally completely happy with my life, and with everything in it. I'm also completely content with knowing that it is going to take time to learn a few lessons, and it makes me completely happy.

It is one thing to always see the good change in others, but it takes a great deal of selflessness to see the good change in oneself, and recognize it. --N.May

It's so hard to let ourselves be.. happy. To finally realize that we are worth it. That we do deserve as much happiness as those around us... It takes time, sacrifice, and pure intent to truly accomplish and achieve that which is truly important.

I love to know that I am a daughter of a Heavenly King. I can't wait to learn, and know with my heart, that I am such.

I am finally happy... Truly happy. I am 100% Natalia. I won't let the temptations of those trying to convince me I'm not worth it, win. This is a fight I will battle... Because I want to make Him proud. Don't you?

I can't wait to roam the meadows, and just talk to Him. To be able to make up for lost time... It'll be so nice to see his face. To have him near, and realize that really, it's was ok to let go of Him while I was still on earth. I miss him to much, and I know my family would have been so very different if he were here. But he's not, and was taken to live with Heavenly Father, for a reason. I love him to no end, anyhow.

In 10 years, I am going to be just this happy, if not happier. And I can't wait to write a blog and say that I am right.

Be happy, all of you... find comfort in knowing that there is more to this than we know. And He loves you so abundantly! You don't even realize... The Scriptures are true, and so is the power of fast and prayer.

I love you all! I really, truly mean it.

"Let virtue garnish thy thoughts unceasingly; then shall thy confidence wax strong in the presence of God D&C 121:45.

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