I've noticed a little trend lately... Girls tend to try to get away with the whole getting a nose piercing, or having a life where it leads them to unwanted circumstances. Or even girls who just live like they can do whatever they want, dress immodestly, swear, drink, smoke, and other such things. It amazes me though... how they quickly change when their generation of young men, return from their missions. It's stooping a little low when you change just for that. It's great that these RM's are causing such change in Young Women, but Young Women... Don't you think they deserve a little better? Shouldn't you be making yourself better, living a life around the church and it's teachings? I'm not saying be so into the whole standards and gospel that you feel the need to enforce them upon others. Because by no means, am I forcing anything on anyone. I'm just surprised that so many young men that I know are falling short of what they truly want. You cannot change for a guy, trust me. And a guy won't change for you. Stand a little taller, and be an example.
I by no means am claiming I'm perfect, or any of that... But I don't seem to have ever found the guts to actually go out in public with just a tank top on, or have I ever just started swearing, or drinking because it's cool... I haven't even tried a cigarette. I just wonder what goes through the mind of one of these Young Lady's who isn't like myself.
I've been thinking a lot about it lately... For so long, I was a geek. The, not so pretty, acne victim, with geeky hippie hair, and I wore no makeup. But I never got down on myself about it, until now. I was happy. I did what I was suppose to, even after having my sisters laugh in my face, and friends making fun of me (not much of good friends, sadly). I went my 16th and 17th birthday's single. Well, except for 3 months, but that really... will never count. You know... technically speaking, Robert was my first boyfriend. I promised the Lord when I was 16 (after my stupid 3 month deal) that I would wait until I was 18 to date. Even when I was 18, I had never had my first kiss.. Never been kissed before. To me, that was a great accomplishment. Especially since when I hit about age 17 I actually started taking care of myself, and how I looked. I promised the Lord, and he blessed me. The day after my 18th birthday, was Robert's. I met him in Nauvoo solely because it was his birthday. If it hadn't of been his birthday, we probably would have never met. Even with Robert, I kept my standards quite high. He, of course, gave me my first kiss... And he gave me a few wonderful months of being in a relationship. I think what made it the best was... that I didn't feel ashamed for being in a relationship with a guy as great as him. And that's something I'll always do. I'll make sure to keep myself as far from what I know will hurt me in the long run, just so that I don't ever regret. I'd hate to look back and think "I could have done better.."
So to all who think it's a little ok to slip here and there... Remember to walk a little taller.
"9 For they were set to be a alight unto the world, and to be the saviors of men;
10 And inasmuch as they are not the saviors of men, they are as salt that has lost its savor, and is thenceforth good for nothing but to be cast out and trodden under foot of men."
D&C 103:9-10
"10 I, the Lord, am bound when ye do what I say; but when ye do not what I say, ye have no promise."
D&C 82:10
"Life is what happens to you while you’re working for your future."
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