So my advice for the day is... If you think you love sugar too much to give it up, you've obviously not tried hard enough. Don't let a bladder infection, or any other ailment of sorts make you start being healthy, it's a pretty dumb excuse; an excuse I used. Here's the deal though, don't try and tell anyone what to do, how to eat, and what they have to do health wise. Encourage it, and stick to it. They'll notice the difference, and want to participate in gaining that kind of attitude/change too.
Here's a list of "replacements" for those who are having to "live off of" certain beverages or foods. These ARE THE EXACT replacements I did. And it worked.
Energy Drinks:WATER. No, Dr.Pepper, or any other soda WILL NOT do for replacement. Even better, look for juices. I know at Kroger off of Beach St. they have a corner by the Deli that sales bottles of Apple, Orange, Cranberry, Grape, and Kiwi Strawberry juices. I decided to go the extra mile, and ONLY get 100% juice items. No Artificial. Apple and Orange at 100%. But trust me. They work as replacements.
Candy: I did melons. Buying a small plastic cup of watermelon or cantaloupe already sliced into small squares, is THE BEST way. No, buying Fruit snacks will not work... They contain just about the same amount of Sugar as candy. If you don't like melons, buy yogurt, or any other fruit. It's amazing, and is great compensation.
I know there's many other things to be replaced... But those are what I dealt with. Not having any of those, has not only made me more energetic, but I'm in a better mood. It's honestly the way to go! I'm glad I'm finally back in my swing of being healthy... I honestly am.
You should give it a shot. It's my advice to you. Just give this healthy thing a shot!

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